Club packing a container full of goods

It’s your Warehouse and the number of people we help is directly related to the support from each Rotary Club.

How can your Club get involved?

There are many ways a Rotary club can get involved:

  • Become a DIK Inc. member
  • Establish your club’s own international service project
  • Involve other Rotary clubs in joint projects
  • Locate goods suitable for donation to DIK
  • Arrange and volunteer to load donated goods to be shipped to the Warehouse
  • Visit and arrange Club meetings at the Warehouse
  • Invite potential new Rotary and Rotaract members
  • Make a financial donation towards a DIK project
  • Join the team that manages the Warehouse
  • Introduce corporates who may wish to volunteer
  • Contact the Warehouse manager on (03) 9315 1544 for more information.

Help to fund the Warehouse.  This is your facility and it can only continue to exist with your ongoing help..  Every Rotary club that donates is a Partner in everything that is shipped.  Will your Rotary club be a partner this year?

For more information please contact DIK by EMAIL